I’m Not a Food Blogger

I’m not a food blogger. But I love food. Specifically, I love baking. So when I heard my son’s school were asking for donations of cupcakes for the school fair, I was all over that like ketchup on fries.

Getting ready to bake!


I tried a new recipe, from here.


  Ready to ice!           Mmm...perfect


So far so good.


The last time I made cupcakes for the school, it was a disaster. I spent a huge chunk of my evening making these little meringue snowmen to top snowflake-and-sugar coated vanilla cupcakes. At around 11pm, I stood back and surveyed my work, and it was at that point the husband said something like, ‘Yeah, if you’d had more time you could have done better.’ :-0

So of course I made them again.

The next day, with minutes to spare, I was putting the finishing touches on a new batch. They looked better, certainly. But by that stage, I just wanted them done. I carefully positioned them on top of the stroller, bribed my daughter into her seat and we rushed up to the school to pick up her brother and drop off the cupcakes. The whole way there I was thinking, ‘Don’t drop the box, don’t drop the box.’

We made it with a minute to spare and I breathed a sigh of relief. Whew! I handed over the cupcakes to the waiting TA and….

…she dropped them. All over the pavement.


Oh well, perhaps better luck this time! Fingers crossed.


The finished products

